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   Finance Sector Recruiters Network

    ...Global Coverage, Local Solutions

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Membership to FSRN is open to those Executive Recruitment companies that are active in the Financial Sector that are looking to join a worldwide network. 


As a member of FSRN you can expect referral business generated through our select global network. 


Membership of FSRN is non-exclusive and unlimited to the number of Members in each location - regardless of the size of the market. 


Unlike other networks, we do NOT have an Application Fee, require Members to attend annual conferences, sign Membership Agreements, etc.


The Membership Process:

Our Membership Process is simple - just complete the Membership Questionnaire - and within 48 hours, your application will be reviewed and the decision notified to you.  If your application is accepted, you will be sent an invoice covering Membership Fees and upon payment, existing Members will be notified and your Company added to the FSRN website.


Membership Fees:

Individual Membership

US$ 175 per annum

Corporate Membership



Additional Locations

Major City in USA, Europe or Oceania US$ 300 per annum

at 30% of

Primary Location

Secondary City in USA, Europe or Oceania US$ 175 per annum
Major City in other locations US$ 200 per annum
Secondary City  in other locations US$ 95 per annum

+ 10% surcharge is applied to all Membership Fees which is allocated into a separate account dedicated to a Scholarship Fund


Payment of Membership Fees:

Payment can be made by Credit Card, Wire Transfer, or by USD Check


Scholarship Fund:

All Membership Fees will carry a 10% surcharge which will be deposited into a separate FSRN Scholarship Fund account.  This Fund will be used to solely to benefit worthy individuals seeking to further their education in the Finance Sector based on suggestions, recommendations and approval of Members.


Membership Termination:

Membership in FSRN can be terminated based on resignation, substantiated complaints from other Members  or non-adherence to generally acceptable quality standards and/or on non-payment of Membership Fees.


Proceed to Membership Questionnaire


New FSRN Members

Please welcome our most recent members:


The Recruitment Place Ltd

Crowley, UK


Strategic Search Partners

Sinapore & Hong Kong


ATL Consulting LLC

Princeton, NJ, USA


Novo Recruiting,

Milwaukee, WI, USA


Financial Services Recruiting, Springfield, OH


Bruce Hill Associates,

Cumberland, ME, USA


The Millenia Group,

Irvine, CA, USA


CTR Group,

Grantville, GA, USA

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FSRN Scholarship Fund

All FSRN members contribute towards the FSRN Scholarship Fund - the proceeds of which are distributed toward worthy individuals seeking to further their education in the Finance Sector.

FSRN Members

Established in September 2005, FSRN has 25 members in 37 locations in 9 countries.  Click on the map to contact a FSRN Member near you:


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Copyright © 2005-2009 - Any problems or inquiries, contact FSRN